The righteous are individuals who have passed from spiritual death unto spiritual life

Righteousness has a power, or a force to it. There are two realities of righteousness, similar to there being two sharp edges on any specifically designed sword. The first sharp-edge is a position of legal righteousness.

Jesus of Nazareth was made to be sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. (II Corinthians 5:21) Today, if I am in Christ then I am legally righteous. It is not something that I have accomplished by myself . . . it is part of the exchange program of God that has been established through the finished work of Christ Jesus on the cross of Calvary.

However, the second sharp-edge reality of righteousness is on the practical side. This righteousness does concern my personal behavior.

I can be legally righteous by being in Christ, and yet be unrighteous in a practical manner because of my bad behavior. And that bad behavior cannot simply be ignored or undealt with. My behavior does matter. My unrighteous actions can nullify my breastplate of righteousness protection. If I do not purpose to walk righteously while I am on this Earth, there will be no practical cloak of righteousness to protect me.

“And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” (I Peter 4:18)

The righteous are individuals who have passed from spiritual death unto spiritual life. They are Born-Again. And as such are legally righteous because they are in Christ.

/ Armour Weapons and Warfare

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